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Crossway Fellowship began in the spring of ’06 when a few likeminded and courageous souls banded together in a home for Sunday worship. They envisioned a gathering where God’s name and word were exalted and where unhypocritical love never grew cold. Dane Blount, who was recently back from a decade of ministry in Russia, was asked to lead and teach the fellowship; and Blount Sr.’s beautiful Banner Mountain home provided the perfect venue for Crossway in her first love. In those days, an Agape potluck followed almost every service, which meant barbequing by the pool in the summer and snowball fights in the winter.


Not long into this adventure, Crossway got a shot in the arm with an influx of new members. From this group, Tom Gregoire emerged as uniquely gifted for pastoral ministry and was added to the leadership team. By then our little fellowship had outgrown the home; it came time to rent a facility. God immediately provided Crossway with Esterly Hall in Whispering Pines off Brunswick, where it has been ever since. In the move, the order of service changed only slightly, and the fellowship was able to maintain that family atmosphere.


Since then Crossway has continued its slow but sure growth to the size it is now. The leadership team has also expanded accordingly. For those who make this congregation home, Sundays in and Sundays out have been indispensible times of spiritual growth and mutual encouragement. Thank You, Jesus, for these contented years of loving, edifying and enjoying one another in the Lord! Thank You, again, for helping us discover our own identity in the larger body of Christ!

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